Friday, the 20th of January is Inauguration Day. Instead of focusing on the politics, I thought I'd share the trip we took this fall to Washington DC. 
Students from Great Britain took a two week trip to visit our country. Todd and I hosted one of the teachers who came along to chaperone. My favorite day trip we took was to see our nations Capitol. It was a gorgeous day and I enjoyed walking throughout DC to see all the monuments.
Mr. Trump recently opened a hotel in DC. We happened to pass by on our way to lunch. It just looked like another hotel with flashy gold signs everywhere. Honestly I wasn't that impressed.
With all the uproar during this years election, the British visitors were fascinated with our presidental debates and learned a lot about our political process.
In fact, I learned A LOT during this election too. It was inspiring to see all 3 of my boys get involved with politics and have civil conversations about it. 

Whether we like it or not, Mr. Trump will become our 45th president and will take up residence in the White House for the next 4 years.
I just hope there won't be gold glitter and neon flashing signs in the lawn.
I just hope there won't be gold glitter and neon flashing signs in the lawn.