My mother-in-law is doing very well and adjusting at home. I didn't think a broken pelvis would hold her back!
My mother is an emotional wreck. She is dealing with a divorce, parkinsons and finding a place to live. It really is too much for her to handle.
My dog, Teddy has diabetes. He is almost back to normal health. The insulin shots are working! YAY!
Brandon went for a sports physical. The doctor detected a heart murmur. I took him to the Children's Hospital of PA to see a heart specialist. I was pleased when the results of his EKG came back normal and no murmur was heard.
Sinus Infections Suck! I have had on and off again issues with sinus infections for the last 5 months. I cannot wait for the air to get warmer so I can open my windows again!
I've been suffering depression again. My blog has always been a way to help me get through the 'blues'. Not so this time. I've neglected my blog in the last two weeks. I am so sick of fighting this battle!
Brandon's team made it to the play offs. The games are this weekend!
How is it that I am the major hockey fan in the household and my husband went to not one but two NHL games?? :-)
Happy Friday Friends!!

Congrats to your son and his team-very exciting!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you haven't been feeling well and while I haven't struggled personally with depression I do have a family member who has and it exhausts them too. I need warm weather as I've also had something sinus related for the past two months. We have a bunch of snow today, so another month at least. ugh. Hope you feel better in every way soon!
I'm on my second round of antibiotics. Hopefully it will do the trick! Have a wonderful weekend!!!!
ReplyDeleteNot fair on the NHL tickets but as you have heard and probably know first hand life just isn't fair. Life can be fun at moments and wishing you those. That's a tough set problems for you mom. I hope she finds the support she needs.
ReplyDeleteOh man... I can relate. Depression hits me & its TOUGH. No one understands unless they deal with it personally.
ReplyDeleteYour poor momma :(
I was diagnosed with a heart murmur when I was in middle school & always went to the heart doctor for another heart condition - it's never bothered me or slowed me down - so if they find it again - no worries!
I made a psychiatrist appt for her today. I think that will help her with the depression and break downs she is having right now. It will also help her think clearly in order to make the decisions she needs to.
ReplyDeleteI have heard from several people that heart murmurs are common and had not affected their lives in any way. That is a relief to know.
ReplyDeleteso glad to hear your mother in law and pup are doing well!! i agree - adam levine is HOT!! :)
ReplyDeletei'm sending love and prayers your way, tami. <3<3<3
Adam Levine is fine, isn't he? ;)
ReplyDeleteSo glad your MIL and doggy are doing great - so sorry about your mom, and about you dealing with not only recurring sinus infections but depression, too. Keeping y'all in my thoughts and prayers! ((HUGZ!!))
WooHoo for Brandon's team making the playoffs! And I have to agree with you - it doesn't seem fair that you being the major hockey fan in your household wasn't the one that got to go to 2 NHL games. How'd that happen?? :)
Another Winter Storm Dud and some Funnies
Thank you Stacy for the {{HUGS}}. I sure do need them right now! I think the hockey playoffs is all I need to get me out of this funk! LOL
ReplyDeleteThank you Maria! xoxo
ReplyDeleteI love the Voice, but don't know about this new season with new judges....I'll see.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry about the depression.....I suffer from it but mainly anxiety and lots of it is due to my own child which is sad in itself! Feel better!!!
Adam Levine....let's just pause there a moment, shall we? <3
ReplyDeleteI was supposed to start watching Season 1 of Game of Thrones last weekend, but then I got the plague *eye roll*. you know you are sick when you cannot even veg in front of the tv.
Sorry about the depression. I cannot even imagine. I mean, I have bad days....but actually doesn't even last the whole day. I put on music and the blues melt away. it seems so simple to me. I cannot fathom what it must be like to deal with it on your level. HUGS.
I went to the dr. yesterday and he upped my meds. I am hoping it helps. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI wish it was that simple for me. It certainly is a struggle. I hate myself when I feel down. "Down" is a mild word for it too. Sometimes it can be so debilitating. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
ReplyDeleteHey, yea, what is the deal there??? You should be the one going and getting beer dumped on you ;-) hahaha
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry you suffer with depression. Now I feel like a jerk for noticing you hadn't been on much on not saying something. I am so sorry. What can I do to help? It does sound like your plate has been pretty full. Would a mini-me vacation help out? Sometimes just a refreshing weekend to breath deeply and get re-focused. There is a spare bedroom I have heard of in Alaska...just saying...
Hi! New follower and poster from FF. This time of the year is no fun for my blues, I'll tell you. It's just when we're on the brink of spring that it seems to say "not yet!"
ReplyDeleteAlso, LOVE THE VOICE!
Ouch! a broken pelvis. Sounds painful.
ReplyDeleteAdam Levine is pretty hot but you know what killed it for me? There were articles that he was dating the model friend of the Victoria's secret model he had just dumped. Greedy much?
Ooh Game of Thrones. I do hope that Daenerys goes back to that dream room, it was so hard for me to let her love story go.
Ooh man, I will keep your mom in my prayers. I can't imagine what she's going through. I feel for her. And btw thank you for coming by and supporting me.
Good news no murmur was detected.
I get sinus infections too.The burn..There are no words.
I'm glad you were able to write this blog post and I hope your depression is alleviated soon. I know it's easier said than done.
Omg, I so can't wait for GoT to begin, either!!!!!! It seems to be taking forEVER. lol
ReplyDeleteI'm glad your MIL is doing better and hope your mom can get things in order, too and that the meds can at least control your mom's Parkinson's symptoms.
So glad Brandon's EKG turned out ok and that his team is making it to the play-offs.
I totally know about the depression. I seriously can't wait for DST this weekend!!!! I'm hoping that helps and that we get warmer weather and sunlight soon.
Give you mom a hug from me.
so sorry to hear about your battle with depression. I don't get depressed but even when I'm just a little blue I sometimes neglect my blogging.
ReplyDeleteI fight that same battle so i feel your pain. I'm sure the stuff you're going through doesn't help AT ALL. I'm glad the dog is better! Your poor mama. =(
ReplyDeleteSending some love and positive thoughts to your mother. I'm sorry she is going through such tough times.
ReplyDeleteI hope you're feeling better, Tami. I'm sure your mom's troubles don't help. Broken pelvis?Wow. Lots going on in your life!