My son, Brandon began dating in 8th grade. *8th Grade* seems way to young to me!
Brandon and Jenn are now in 10th grade….they made two years. That's more than some marriages!
Next week Jenn turns 16 and Brandon wanted to make it a special one. He has ordered a really, really nice gift. I can't spoil it by telling because he hasn't given it to her yet.
Brandon and I went shopping for a gray shirt and gray tie. (It made me think of 50 shades of Gray. I didn't mention
that to my son though. I don't think he would want to know what type of books his mother reads).
Most women like to shop, I am not one of them. However; my son is! He has to make sure everything is perfect, that it matches and most importantly,
that he looks good. He even had a sales person measure his neck to make sure the shirt made him look *ahem* "hot" (his words,
not mine).
Saturday Jenn's parents threw her a Sweet Sixteen birthday party. I was able to get a few photos, but the quality isn't very good since they are from a cell phone. Brandon gets very embarrassed when I am around,
especially with a camera. I consider myself lucky to get any photos at all!
Brandon surprised Jenn with 20 birthday balloons and pink roses.

The Girls with their escorts.
Best Buds
Even after all that shopping for the perfect tie, he ended up switching ties with a friend.
(I found this out when I picked him up after the party. GRRR!).
Having some fun on the dance floor!
If he knew I had this photo, I think he'd stop talking to me for a year!
This is great blackmail material, don'tcha think?