A few weeks ago my oldest son, who is 22, told my husband and me that he was moving out of our home. Our son has a friend who inherited his grandfathers house and is looking for a roommate to help pay the inheritance tax. The economy has been hard on our son. He has a full-time job and yet he isn't able to afford a place on his own. I'm sure many young people are in the same position our son is in.
Todd and I are proud of the maturity Ahren has shown in the last year. He has come a long way since graduating high school. We are going to miss having him around. His sense of humor, his obnoxious way of annoying his brothers and his dirty laundry. Ok, maybe not the laundry.
Over the weekend we helped him move. So far no tears have fallen from me. He didn't take a bunch of
things from his room that he doesn't want anymore. I have no idea what to do with most of it. I am thinking a yard sale.
My youngest son has claimed dibbs on his older brothers room. First we have to tear out the carpet and install a new one. My sinus' are not going to thank me from the dust. Oh, and it needs a good scrub. The oldest wasn't the cleanest boy in the world. But what boy is??
Even though our oldest has moved out, we still do not have an empty nest. Two more boys are
in 'da house!