I saw this on a friend's blog, and wanted to do it too.
My First Born:1. Were you married at the time?
No (Todd adopted Ahren after we were married. He just turned 5 years old).
2. What were your reactions when you found out you were pregnant?
Shocked3. How old were you?
214. How did you find out?
I was ill for the first few weeks but didn't think anything of it because I was still spotting. I finally went to the doctors because I was so sick.5. Who did you tell first?
It was so long ago, but I think my sister6. Did you want to find out the sex?
Yes, I needed to know because I couldn't wait to decorate the nursery and buy baby clothes.8. Did you deliver late or on time?
2 weeks late. Had to be induced.9. Did you have morning sickness?
Sick for three months
10. What did you crave?
Pickles, hoagies and vanilla milkshakes.11. Who/what irritated you the most?
My boyfriend.
(who never saw the baby)12. What was your first child's sex?
13. How many pounds did you gain throughout pregnancy?
50lbs.14. Did you have any complications during pregnancy?
felt dizzy alot.
15. Where did you give birth?
Pottstown Memorial Medical Center.
16. How many hours were you in labor?
17 hours17. Who drove you to the hospital?
My mom.
18. Who watched?
My mom and my sister19. Was it natural or c-section?
Natural20. Did you take medication to ease the pain?
Demorall, which just made me high ~ didn't stop the pain.21. How much did your child weigh?
7lbs22. Did your child have any complications?
23. Why did you choose his name?
just liked it: Ahren Paul24. How old is your first born today?
He is 19.